Interview Question: “What Are Your Hobbies and Interests?” 您所在的位置:网站首页 My interests are very Interview Question: “What Are Your Hobbies and Interests?”

Interview Question: “What Are Your Hobbies and Interests?”

2024-07-01 00:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Did you know that your hobbies and interests hold the key to showcasing your unique potential in every job interview?

Picture this: you're in the middle of a job interview, trying to make the best impression possible. You've prepared for the tough questions about your skills and experience and even have some achievement stories ready to wow the interviewer.

Then, a curve ball is thrown at you. The interviewer asks, "What are your hobbies and interests?"

Why does a hiring manager care about your hobbies?

Technically speaking, they don't care – not in a way that affects whether you're offered a job. After all, your hobbies and interests don't directly correlate with your ability to analyze data, write code, or deliver presentations. Yet, beneath the surface lies a treasure trove of information that can influence their perception of you.

While the question might seem simple, it's a golden opportunity to reveal the real you – the well-rounded person who will hopefully be added to their team. 

The main point to remember is that It's not just about what you do in your free time; it's about how those activities shape your personality and values. Your hobbies and how you talk about them reveal a lot about your passions, drive, and how you might fit into the company culture.

In this article, you'll learn why this question is asked and how you can build a response that truly stands out. You'll see a ton of examples, gain some insights, and find tips to help you turn this question into one of the highlights of your interview.

Ultimately, there are three reasons for interview questions about hobbies to come up: 

1. To gauge your ambition level

Your hobbies can reveal a lot about your level of ambition. For instance, engaging in competitive sports, running marathons, or mastering a musical instrument showcases a dedication to improvement and achievement. On the other hand, leisurely activities like reading, gardening, or meditation signify a balanced approach to life.

2. To learn more about your character

Your hobbies also offer a glimpse into your character traits. Someone who enjoys volunteering at animal shelters might have a compassionate and empathetic nature. A person who relishes adventure sports may embody courage and a penchant for risk-taking. These insights help hiring managers assess whether your personality aligns with the values and attributes they seek in their employees.

3. To determine whether you will fit within the company's culture

Company culture isn't just about the tasks and responsibilities – it's about the people who make up the organization. Hiring managers use your hobbies and interests to assess whether you'd mesh well with the existing team. For instance, if a company values collaboration and teamwork, a candidate who participates in team sports showcases their ability to work harmoniously with others. On the flip side, if a company prizes innovation and creativity, a candidate who pursues arts or crafts might be seen as a potential asset.

Crafting your response

Knowing why interviewers ask about your hobbies and interests is only part of the equation. Now, it's time to tell your story. But you have to do so in a way that draws a precise line between your personal values and what the company needs in its next employee. 

First, consider the differences between hobbies and interests.


These are the pursuits that spark your joy and keep your creative fires burning. Whether it's photography, painting, playing a musical instrument, or experimenting with new recipes, hobbies reveal your artistic inclinations and your ability to find pleasure in life's little moments. Here are some examples of things that fall into the realm of hobbies:


Crafting handmade jewelry

Salsa dancing

Building model airplanes

Brewing homemade beer


Interests are broader than hobbies. These are the subjects or activities that captivate your attention and drive you to learn more. It could be an enthusiasm for psychology, a fascination with space exploration, or a dedication to social justice. Your interests speak volumes about your intellectual curiosity and your willingness to explore new things. Here are some examples of interests:

Behavioral psychology

Space exploration

Environmental activism

Classical literature

Urban development

When figuring out how you're going to answer interview questions about hobbies, maintain a balance between your hobbies and interests. This demonstrates your diverse passions while also highlighting your inquisitive nature. Remember, your answer should provide insight into who you are as a whole person, not just an employee.

It's all about what you bring to the table

In your response, it's essential to strike a balance between personal and professional aspects. Remember, you're not just sharing hobbies; you're providing insight into how these activities reflect your character. Follow this formula to construct a compelling answer:

Highlight a hobby: Begin by mentioning a hobby that resonates with you emotionally. This sets the tone for your answer.

Tie in an interest: Seamlessly transition to an interest that complements your hobby. This showcases your well-roundedness.

Relevance to the role: Draw a connection between your hobbies/interests and the job you're interviewing for. Highlight transferable skills or values.

Impact and growth: Explain how your hobbies/interests have influenced your personal growth, enhancing qualities that align with the company's values.

Customize your answer to each job

Tailoring your response to the specific job role is crucial. If you're interviewing for a role that requires creativity, emphasize hobbies like painting or playing a musical instrument. For positions that demand teamwork, discuss team sports or collaborative hobbies. By doing so, you're not just showcasing your personal side; you're demonstrating how your passions can contribute to the company's success.

Would it help to have some sample answers?

Ask, and you shall receive. These sample answers are meant to inspire. Use them to come up with something that matches your own genuine experiences, as that will help you talk about them more intelligently, and it will make your answers more authentic. 

"Outside of work, I find solace in the art of landscape photography; capturing the world's beauty through my lens brings me peace. I fuse that with my love for adventure, like rock climbing, where the thrill of scaling heights allows me to release stress through something challenging."

This response works because it shows that you are a well-rounded individual who values creative expression and challenges. Your combination of landscape photography and rock climbing reflects a diverse range of interests, highlighting your ambition, creative thinking, and ability to thrive in artistic and adventurous endeavors.

"My hobbies mirror my fascination with the human experience. As an avid reader of historical fiction, I immerse myself in different epochs, seeking to understand the intricacies of past cultures. Additionally, I nurture my intrigue for astronomy, constantly exploring the cosmos from my backyard telescope. If I can learn something new about history, astronomy, or life in general, then I'm a happy person. "

This answer demonstrates that you have a profound curiosity about the world. The choice of historical fiction and astronomy highlights the idea that you seek intellectual depth, appreciate learning, and can bridge your passion for knowledge to the potential demand of a role that requires critical thinking and continuous learning.

"When I'm not immersed in my professional role, you'll find me painting vibrant canvases that reflect my love for creativity and self-expression. Painting is generally for a relaxing Sunday afternoon. You can also find me playing team sports like soccer. I've found that sports are a great outlet for channeling my competitive spirit and collaborative nature, reinforcing the importance of teamwork in both my personal and professional pursuits."

This response paints a picture of someone who values both creativity and teamwork. The mention of painting and team sports underscores a well-rounded personality while also emphasizing skills such as collaboration, adaptability, and effective communication that are essential in both creative and professional environments.

"Cooking is more than a hobby; it's my creative outlet. Experimenting with flavors and techniques allows me to unwind and explore. Additionally, my commitment to sustainable living drives my interest in adopting eco-friendly practices, like not using plastic when I'm storing leftovers, that align with my values, both in my personal life and the workplace."

If you are someone who can integrate hobbies with values, this would be a good response for you. The blend of cooking and sustainable living shows a holistic approach to life and work. The commitment to sustainability showcases dedication to causes that align with company values, and the creative aspect of cooking speaks to the ability to innovate and experiment.

"Beyond the office, I immerse myself in playing the piano, a pursuit that nurtures my patience and discipline. I am also deeply involved with yoga. Not only does it keep me physically active but also reinforces mindfulness and stress management, qualities that seamlessly blend into my professional ethos."

This response reveals that you value personal growth and well-being. The combination of playing the piano and practicing yoga indicates a commitment to self-improvement, discipline, and mental and physical health. These qualities can translate into your ability to manage stress and maintain a balanced approach in your professional endeavors.

Addressing common questions about hobbies in interviews

Let's delve into some common questions and how to handle them effectively.

“What are your hobbies” example answers

When asked about your hobbies, the key is to be honest and specific. Avoid generic answers. Instead, delve into what makes your hobby special to you. For instance:

"I enjoy hiking on weekends, especially in national parks. It not only keeps me fit but also allows me to disconnect and find peace in nature. Hiking has taught me perseverance and planning, which I apply in my professional life."

“What are your interests” example answers

Interests can be more abstract or academic. Here's how you can articulate them:

"I'm fascinated by sustainable architecture. I spend my free time reading about innovative eco-friendly building designs and attending related webinars. This interest has honed my research skills and my ability to think critically about sustainability issues."

Do hobbies make you interesting?

Absolutely. Hobbies add depth to your personality and showcase aspects of your character that might not be evident through professional achievements alone. They make you relatable and help build a connection with your interviewer. A hobby can highlight traits like creativity, discipline, and empathy, making you stand out as a well-rounded individual.

How do you answer what is your hobby and why?

When answering this, provide context and relevance:

"One of my main hobbies is gardening. I find it incredibly fulfilling to nurture plants and watch them grow. It requires patience, attention to detail, and a consistent routine, qualities that I believe are crucial in any professional setting."

Tips for answering hobbies and interests questions

Here are some practical tips to ensure your answers hit the mark:

Be Honest: Authenticity resonates, so choose hobbies that you genuinely enjoy.

Be Specific: The more specific you are, the more engaging and memorable your answer will be.

Show Enthusiasm: You've heard that a smile is contagious? Well, the same is true for passion. If you can show excitement when talking about your hobbies, you'll engage your interviewer and make a memorable impression, showcasing your authentic enthusiasm and positive energy.

Relate to the Job: You should be drawing parallels and connections between your hobbies and the skills to the qualities needed for the job every chance you get.

Prepare Examples: Having specific examples or stories related to your hobbies can make your answer more compelling.

Tell stories

Stories are powerful tools. They make your answer more engaging and memorable. Here's how you can incorporate stories into your response:

"One of my favorite hobbies is exploring new places, and I have a particularly memorable story from one of my adventures. I was driving around the mountains of Colorado one day, just exploring, when I came upon an abandoned house. Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to take a look inside. 

To my surprise, I found a random chicken inside the house. The chicken didn't seem to belong there, and ended up jumping into my car and refusing to get out. 

Rather than leaving it behind, I decided to take it to a local farm where it could make some chicken friends. This experience taught me a lot about empathy and quick problem-solving, and it also showed me the importance of being open to unexpected situations. It's a story that always brings a smile to my face and reminds me of the value of curiosity and kindness."

The role of hobbies in personal and professional development

Hobbies are not just pastimes; they play a significant role in personal and professional development. They can enhance various skills such as:

Time Management: Balancing a hobby with work requires effective time management.

Problem-Solving: Many hobbies involve challenges that require creative solutions.

Social Skills: Hobbies like team sports or group activities improve your ability to work with others.

Exploring new hobbies to broaden your horizons

If you feel your current hobbies do not adequately reflect your skills or interests, consider exploring new ones. Here are some ideas:

Learning a New Language: Enhances cognitive abilities and cultural understanding.

Volunteering: Develops empathy and community engagement.

Creative Writing: Improves communication skills and creativity.

Public Speaking Clubs: Boosts confidence and presentation skills.

The impact of hobbies on work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term success and well-being. Hobbies play a pivotal role in achieving this balance by providing an outlet for relaxation and personal fulfillment. Here's how:

Stress Reduction: Engaging in enjoyable activities helps reduce work-related stress.

Mental Health: Hobbies can improve mental health by providing a sense of achievement and joy.

Physical Health: Active hobbies promote physical well-being, which in turn can boost productivity and focus at work.

Sometimes, a sneak peek is all it takes

At the end of the day, the interview question, "What are your hobbies and interests?" isn't a mere formality but a window into your character. Your hobbies and interests reveal your creativity, curiosity, dedication, and values – qualities that can profoundly impact your potential as an employee and a team member. 

By embracing this question, you open a door to connect on a deeper level with your interviewer, transcending the transactional nature of the interview process.

Elevate your preparation with our expert interview coaching services, tailored to empower you with the skills and confidence needed to excel in any interview scenario.

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